January 30, 2009


From Chile

I knew right when I got off of the bus that I was going to like Pucon. Santiago was an okay city. I loved the subway system and ease of getting around, but in the end, a city is just a city like every other city.

Pucon is a mountain town in the Chilean Lake district. The landscape is dramatically different and the smog-free air has that fresh mountain scent. It reminded me of Boquete, but slightly larger. The big volcano in the picture is the backdrop for the town, and no matter where you are, you can always spot it.

I met Tseela (from Israel) and Martin (from England) at the hostel, and the three of us hit it off from the beginning. Tseela and Martin are both software engineers. Martin has been to almost every country on earth...okay, well a lot of countries. He's been to all seven continents, but still has more to explore. I guess if you have that travel bug in you, it never really goes away.

After walking around town, we went for a swim in the volcanic lake. The beach is really rocky and the lake water is frigid, but clear--perfect for a swim in the mid-afternoon heat.

Martin and I spent the afternoon playing in the water, and enjoying the reprieve from the intense sun. I learned that he loves to scuba, and that he's an extensive traveler. His pattern is something like this: work continuously for a year to a year and a half and take four to six months off to explore someplace new. You would kind of think by now, after all that traveling, nothing would be able to impress him anymore. But then, when splashing around in the lake, we were both equally in awe of our surroundings, so I guess it never gets old. You can see a million beautiful things, and not lose that sense of wonder. I hope I never do...

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